Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to know you don't have taxi manners

I have kept this particular post in my vaults for long and if not for this one  passenger I travelled with from Buea to Douala, it would have continued its quiet slumber. Unfortunately for my nostrils and comfort and fortunately for your reading pleasure, this passenger accomplished a fit that has exacted this post from me. ( In fact he/she farted in the bus. Despite my discreet visual sweep of the entire bus I could not quite put a face to that toxic fart. Frustrated I am writing this post. So here we go.
Just like any other shared space, taxis have rules that bind ( or are supposed to bind) all those who share it at any point in time. But it feels like some people don't know this fact or have brazenly decided to ignore it. So let me refresh some memories and enlighten others. If you can't say check on anyone of the points below then know you lack taxi manners.

 1- Upon arriving at your destination, you step out of taxi before you start drilling, rummaging and exploring  your pockets, wallet, purse or bag for your taxi fare. 

2- It is only upon arriving your destination that you tell the driver you'll need change.

3- On boarding you don't tell the driver the fare you are ready to pay.

4- You don't tell the driver you don't have any money on you and will only pay upon arriving.

5- You fart in the car or board a car after just farting. This is the ultimate No No and supremeest proof you have no taxi manners. 
         There are many more but these are the most obvious my frustrated mind and assaulted nostrils could conjure off the cuff. So from the above, I hope you can tell whether or not you have taxi manners.

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