Thursday, May 2, 2013

How guys can safely get bigger 'Guns'

Strange as it may seem to some, having a sizeable sex organ is one, if not the biggest, of the biggest male sexual fantasies. It is perched up there alongside things like having apps, being irresistible, sowing their wild oats long and wide and  a string of others. Suffice to say that it is an uber male fantasy. This fantasy is a tangible manifestation of the role potency in sexuality plays in defining the male identify. Society expects men to be larger- than- large sexual  beings.Women often taunt a man who doesn't answer their sexual calls by calling him a 'weak man'. Underwhelming sexual output from their man reoccurs repeatedly in the reasons women submit for cheating on their spouses. So the male conscience has an excuse to kindle and flame fantasies like this one.  To fill this yearning, some guys unfortunately resort to dangerous supplements. As a member of this group, I wonder if I can say I am sometimes not prone to this yearning, just sometimes I must add and insist.(lol) In a selfless attempt to come to the rescue of my kind, I have discovered a few ways men can get bigger sex organs safely.

1 - Stop letting your sexuality define you
Know that you're more than you're sexuality and act like it. Try to think you'll still be a man even if you're This means self exploration, discovery and furtherance of other avenues for identity development and affirmation. This a collective effort but somebody said if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make  a change.

2- Try monogamy at least even if serial

It is hard but try managing only one serious relationship at a time. Try this from all perspectives, emotionally, mentally and physically. If you keep just one relationship at a time and invest all you are and have in it, you're less likely to feel the need for extra flour to rise to the occasion. Being polygamous and spreading one's self thin might be the basis for this feeling.

3 - Know what you're partner wants

One reason why guys have this craving is to be able to be rise to the occasion with their companions. But this is built on the premise that this is the ONE and ONLY THING your woman wants from you. Wrong, some women don't give a damn about their guy's sexual offering. Some ogle  material things like cloths or money and even life's affordable commodities like attention and calling to say you''ll be late. If your woman falls in this category then you what you have will be enough and you won't need bigger armo.

Does this sound professorial? Yes it may. But does this make sense? Yes it may, hopefully.

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