Friday, April 26, 2013

Guys, girls, sex and the Banana myth.....

Satisfying your woman is a major concern for the macho in every guy. The fear of falling short - no pun intended on short - has fueled a battery of myths and legends about what guys can do to make up for any shortcoming in this department. If this was all this phobia had given birth to then no one would be complaining. But most unfortunately, this situation has also given rise to a series of myths about WHAT guys can TAKE to better their output. What is the problem with this? In this battle of male ego pampering, the purity of certain items has been tainted. Banana for one has acquired the status of sex supplement, almost on the same level as the blue pill. When a guy buys bananas  or is seen eating one, he  is greeted with the question of  whether he is loading his 'gun'. In fact the question he is often asked is, 'Do you have a war?'. This is an illustration of the centrality of guy's input in the intimacy ritual sex is. But wait a minute, where are girls in all this? Or has sex become an asexual act? Or maybe it is another platform for for the validation of the male superiority complex, and by ricochet an affirmation of the female inferiority complex in this intensely feminist age? A straight out indication of the miles feminist still have to go? Just saying. To be a woman is definitely not a day's job, but to be a man, especially in this machocentric world and when sex is concerned, is, to say the least, not a week's work. Come on ladies, cut us some slack. Help us make sex, or love if you're...., a tango and not just an act where we, guys, must perform or else be forever emasculated. The banana we need could very well just be more decided involvement from you, LADIES. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. As a woman, I like to think of sex as an exchange rather than a competition and until guys start doing same, well...poor bananas and co.
